Hans Fallada Foundation

The act of formation of the Hans Fallada Foundation was approved by the competent court on 6 April 2000. It is a civil-law foundation with legal capacity, and was constituted with cash assets of DM 600,000 by the town of Neubrandenburg, represented by its mayor. The Foundation has its headquarters in Neubrandenburg. Donations are always possible and welcome.
The Foundation is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior of the state of Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania.
According to section 2 of its statute, the Hans Fallada Foundation is a non-profit making organization. This is formulated in the statute as follows:

“The mission and aims of the Hans Fallada Society consist in preserving and keeping alive Hans Fallada’s heritage in the broadest sense, and making it accessible to the public. Pursuant to section 58 no. 1 of the German Taxation Code, the Foundation supports in particular the conservation and expansion of the existing collections pertaining to Hans Fallada’s life and work, as well as academic research into the writer’s work, thus contributing to the advancement of culture.”

The Foundation’s first Board of Trustees and its first Executive Committee were appointed by the town of Neubrandenburg. On 7 July 2000, the appointed persons met for the first constituent assembly in the new barn hall on the Hans Fallada property in Carwitz. They confirmed a set of guidelines for the implementation of the Foundation’s mission and aims, the procedural rules of the Executive Committee, and the first budget.

The task of implementing the Foundation’s mission and aims was assigned to the Literaturzentrum Neubrandenburg e.V (Neubrandenburg Literature Centre), which has been successfully building up and managing the Hans Fallada Archives for more than thirty years.

The Hans Fallada Archives are situated on the Carwitz estate. Since its formation, the Foundation has supported the upkeep and extension of the archives; it has funded purchases, events, academic conferences and publications. The Foundation continues to campaign for donations and gifts to help complete the collections.
(See also further information on the Hans Fallada Archives and the Hans Fallada Museum)

The Foundation’s governing bodies are currently elected according to the statute – the Executive Committee every three years and the Board of Trustees every five years. The members of the Foundation’s governing bodies work on a voluntary basis and as private persons with all legal consequences for the Foundation. The Foundation’s address is:

c/o Brigitte-Reimann-Literaturhaus, Gartenstr. 6,
17033 Neubrandenburg,
Tel.: +49395/5719180
Fax: +49395/5719188

The Executive Committee is chaired by Mr Volker Kunath, lawyer.
Mr Achim Ditzen is Chair of the Board of Trustees.